
Artist Response: John Kenn and Gianni De Conno

John Kenn's work
I wanted to respond to both of these artists as I liked different aspects of both of their works.

John Kenn's work is intriguing as it has been done on a post-it note. The amount of detail and lines is exceptional for such a small canvas.

What I like about Gianni De Conno's work is the idea of animals and that the animals are hidden behind the trees. The colours are vibrant.

In my responses I used certain aspects of both of these artists work. I used the post-it note canvas and the lines from John Kenn's work and the idea of animals from Gianni De Conno's work.

The processes and aspects of these responses were interesting but I don't think that I succeeded in them. The lines are very messy and rushed. I think that to improve this I would have to repeat the processes over and over and take my time with them.

Gianni De Conno's work
My response

Artist Response: Alberto Cerriteno

A while ago I posted a response to Alberto Cerriteno, which I had painted. I have used that painting and experimented further with it by creating it on Illustrator.

In my opinion, the illustrated version is a lot more successful that the painting. The colours are a lot bolder and bright, which I particularly like about this piece because it stands out and it's simple. There are only two colours used, orange and blue (two different hues of blue have been used).
