
Experimentation: Mono-Printing and Layout

After looking at other layout's in children's books from the previous blog post, I decided to experiment further with mono-printing and the layout of my children's book. I printed out Page 5 and Page 8 of my book and also my primary images of my bedroom and myself to create mono-prints of the primary images onto the pages of my book. Here are the scans from this:

Research: Layout and Typography in other Children's books

For my final piece, I am making a few pages for my children's book. At the moment, I am unsure of the layout, placement and typography. This blog post is researching into other children's books and how they have used layout, placement and typography.

Custard and The Thing

The Lady and the Tramp

Lotsa de Casha
Lotsa de Casha

Lotsa de Casha
Lotsa de Casha

The Wind in the Willows
The Magic Faraway Tree

The Tigger Movie

Experimentation: Mono-Printing

These are mono-prints which I have done using my primary images in the previous blog post. I have done these to experiment with the process further to help to make my decision of which process which would be best to use for my final piece.

Primary Images: Bedroom and Subject

These are my primary images of a bedroom and myself grabbing my stomach. These images will be used for developing my final piece.