
Experimentation: Mono-Printing

Linking to my last blog post which was also of mono-prints, these mono-prints I have improved and experimented with different compositions. I have done this as I was not happy with how my previous mono-prints had come out and I wanted to improve them. I experimented with different compositions as I wanted to see which one would look best as my final layout. 





1) The initial drawing of experimentation with compositions.

2) I think that these mono-prints are successful but would be more successful if they were shown the correct way (i.e the letters are backwards). I didn't take into account that the drawing would flip when creating a mono-print.

3) I feel as though this mono-print is the most successful mono-print so far as I had took into account that the image would flip, and the lines are very sharp and gritty. The black smudges around the bear give it a very rough-look which is what I like about it - It adds to the depressing effect of it.

4) With this mono-print, I experimented with twisting the paper on the ink with my hand before lifting it to give it more of a rough, gritty effect. Unfortunately it did not come out the way I had hoped as it doesn't look rough enough.

5) I tried to experiment with another technique with the mono-print, which was placing it of the floor and rubbing it onto the surface of the floor. I had hoped that this would give it a scratchy effect, but unfortunately this did not work either, it only made the mono-print look unsuccessful and dirty.

I enjoy the effect that mono-printing gives and I think that it adds to the depressing, rough, gritty look that I want to achieve with my illustrations which is why I am going to continue experimenting and improving my skills of mono-printing to create a successful outcome for my final piece. 

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