
9th July 2013: Typography Lesson

The A2 Graphics lesson on July 9th 2013 with Mr. Cousland was a very interesting experience and well planned. We had four tasks. They were as follows: 

Task 1
Pick a piece of paper at random from Mr. Cousland’s hand, which have the names of all the students in the class. Whichever student you choose, write two or more words about them for each of these sub-headings– visual description; personality; phrases; clothing style/music style.

Task 2
Choose your favourite typography design that you have found on Pinterest. Using the words you wrote down to describe your class mate, draw them in the style of the typography design you have chosen.

Task 3
We are going to have a group discussion, showing each of the student’s designs and try to guess who they are describing. You are a client, receiving your order from the other student who has designed their work based on you. Answer the following questions: Are you happy with the outcome? What went well? How could it be improved? What do you want to see? Is it a successful design?

Task 4
Repeat task one and trade designs with the person that has based their work on you. You must now use the words you have used to describe the second person and design them in the style that you have traded with.

I think that this lesson was very beneficial for all students as it allowed us to design a piece of work that we were comfortable with and interested in, but also designing a piece of work that we were not interested in and uncomfortable with. This allowed us to experiment with something that we may have never chosen to experiment with. Some students found that their piece of work produced in Task 4 was a lot better than their piece of work produced in Task 2, which I thought was very interesting.

Overall, I think that this lesson was very constructive, helpful and valuable to all students.

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